viernes, abril 04, 2008

The University of Buenos Aires Model for the Future of Higher Education: A Neglected Perspective

Este interesante y aterrador artículo comenta sobre el sistema de educación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (la universidad en que curso). Esta escrito por un profesor de la Universidad de Boston.
Link a Articulo

Acá les dejo las partes más interesantes del artículo, igual les recomiendo que lo lean completo:

Study at UBA is based on the Darwinian principle of survival of the fittest--everyone can enter, but only a small minority of the students who enroll eventually earn degrees--and they do this often by sheer persistence.
Facilities are completely inadequate for students and faculty. Part-time staff have no place to meet students or prepare for class. Many full-time faculty are without offices of their own. Campus computing and other facilities are minimal. Libraries are woefully inadequate. Laboratories are similarly poorly equipped. Both students and faculty must rely on their own resources for books and Internet access.

The dropout rate is very high and those students who complete their studies take a long time to do so. Most students hold jobs while studying, and few devote their full attention to the university. In some faculties, such as medicine, the dropout rate approaches 90 percent. Other faculties graduate somewhat higher proportions of students.
The university cares little about its students. It has no control over how many students enter each year. And it cannot control the quality of its entering students. Its only power is to eliminate students through examinations, attrition, or inattention. The students who do well tend to be those from well-off families.
Does it Work? Yet, in a perverse way, this is an academic system that works. It offers access to many and a quality education to a few.
UBA acts as a mass "parking lot" for young people who would otherwise have problems finding jobs in Argentina's difficult employment market.

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